Investor Relations CMD

In this section you can find the main
economic-financial information of CMD Group.

Annual Report

Filed with the Registrar of Companies complete with Notes to the Financial Statements, Management Report, Minutes of Approval, Report of the Board of Statutory Auditors and Certification of the Independent Auditors.

Sustainability Report

The ESG, or sustainability report, represents a detailed set of information about our environmental impact, social practices, and governance standards. Through these certifications, we demonstrate our commitment to operating ethically and responsibly, contributing positively to society and the environment.

Public rating

On March 17th 2022 the Cerved Rating Agency has confirmed CMD rating at B1.2 in full investment grade.

Development contract with the Ministry of Economic Development - EU


European Regional Development Fund

ASSE I – Investment Priority 1.b – Action 1.1.3

Development Contract CDS_000595 with Ministry of Economic Development approved with “Determina Invitalia” of 10/11/18

Industrial Development Programme (CUP C93C18000330001) seeking to create a new production unit within the industrial Area of “Valle di Vitalba” in Atella (PZ) for development, production and selling of two internal combustion piston aero engines with high autonomy and reduced environmental impact intended to general aircrafts and ultralight market.

The programme includes total cost eligible of Euro 21.355.384.

“Determina” provides the distributions of the following benefits: plant grants up to a maximum amount of Euro 5.232.069 and a subsidized loan up to a maximum amount of Euro 3.000.000. Today the work in progress that has been already completed is the executive design of the structures reported on the programme, the completation of all authorization formalities for works execution, the procurement of bulding permit and all others authorizations defined by the urban law, the start of building related to constructions, the start of works for construction production plant (Machines, Plants and Equipments), through the purchase of 4 numerical control machining centers with adjoining equipment tools, of all components equipment engines testing and the purchase of furniture and software.

The Industrial Development Programme is related to an Industrial Research and Pre-competitive Development Project (CUP C93D18000400001) nominated SIMPA – Innovation System for Piston Aero Engines – promoted by CMD as lead part, in collaboration with the Basilicata University as Research entity.

Project Goal: innovative systems and new technologies for the development and performance enhancement and security of engines. The Industrial Research and Experimental Development requires total eligible costs of Euro 15.531.520. “Determina” provides a contribution to expenditure up to a maximum account of Euro 5.567.648.

The last progress has achieved the following results: the definition of enabling technologies, ties of airworthiness and an initial analysis performance; the definition of user requirements taking into account any ties of airworthiness; the definition of requirements and first level analysis on predictive maintenance; study of buildings of several microcontroller; the definition of requirements and engineering ties of helicopter engines.    

Elite Certificate

CMD has achieved the Elite Certificate by Borsa Italiana.

This award was assigned in the presence of Italian and European world financial, and for this reason CMD is the only Basilicata company to achieve a prestigious recognition.

Borsa Italiana with London Stock Exchange created ELITE, a unique integrated services platform that provides industrial, financial and organizational skills to overcome chellenges of international markets.

ELITE is directed to best Italian companies, as: helping them to success with a three-step program, partnering in a cultural and organizational change process, approaching to capital markets, improving bank and business system relations and by facilitating the internationalization.

An ELITE Company is more transparent, more efficient,
more visible and more attractive to potential investors.

This goal is part of CMD strategy of approaching to the Stock Exchange and capital markets with the aim of Stock Market listing.

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