Innovative projects and products

Investing in research and development allow us to design and make innovative products, projects and services. Here are some:
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Blue Hybrid System combines in a only way all benefits of a diesel engine and electric ones. The speed, power and broad autonomy of diesel engine associate zero emissions, whereas silence and less generated associate electric wave motion engines. The hybrid system helps to the boat to switch easily from one mode to another while sailing. Also you can sail within marine protected areas without environmental impact.

ECOH2O for the production of green hydrogen

ECOH2O is an energy solution able to produce green hydrogen from electrolysis process, using electric energy from the gasification of residual biomass/materials. The most innovative aspect of this system is to produce hydrogen in a green way, in order to attainable with current technologies which allow to produce green hydrogen only by using fossil sources. The green hydrogen comes about through the integration between CHP system and an electrolyzer. The hydrogen produced can be used in different ways. To learn more, go to ECOH20 section.
Go to ECOH20 section

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